Karen & Regina

Pretty but...
Many of the bathing suits this season are cut beautifully but what is one to do with those tan lines?
Whether you are sporting a bikini, tankiki or full suit, you must be aware of the tan lines you are creating. Even is you wear a high SPF, sun will penetrate and leave you looking like a zebra if you're not careful.
When sporting these types of suits on the beach be aware of the length of time your skin is exposed to the sun. Wear these stappy pieces pool side at dusk or stay under an umbrella to avoid the ramifications.

Have you reached a plateau?
Have you tried everything to lose weight? Are you eating like a rabbit, at the gym 3 or more times a week, take dietary supplements? If the scale still isn't moving there may be a simple solution. Your body is unable to absorb the nutrients you are feeding it.
When bodies are overloaded with toxins, your liver can not properly and it may be time for a nutritional cleanse. A simple program of eliminating certain ingredients in your daily diet and including specific hi-density nutrition, along with intermittent fasting, you can jump start your system to gain energy, lose eight and sleep better.
Contact us today to find out more!
Pay it forward!
We all have good days and bad days. They key is to have more good ones :). That may be easier said than done for some people and if you can help-
then help.
Make some smile.
Give them a compliment.
Tell a funny story.
Make a funny face.
Play a happy song.
Changing the direction of someone's mood can also alter yours- but make sure you are changing it for the positive!
Attitude & Kindness
We'd love to hear your feedback! Please contact us using the form below.

Watch us on location where we interviewed great party goers at the Woodbury Country Club's on one of the many Monday night events at Liquid this summer!
Madhouse TV, Cactus Salon and Emily Sky all get together at the Harbor Club at Prime for a fabulous Fashion Show benefiting the Arthritis Foundation. Filmed July 2014.
Check out some of our extra video's courtesy of MadhouseTv and Shake it Up with Karen & Regina!!

Caitlyn takes center stage...
Caityln is one satisfied customer!
Dr. Gary Alter and Dr. Harrison Lee, the two plastic surgeons who treated Caitlyn Jenner, spoke about the star's recent procedures in a new interview with the New York Daily News, and said she is thrilled with her transformed appearance. Let's never again under estimate to power of hair & make-up! Oh, and maybe a little airbursh photography!
Bravo Caitlyn- you look beautiful & we wish you nothing but happiness in the future! xoxo Girlfriend!